How to identify your true Passions

by - March 03, 2019

Passion is Energy. 
Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.- Oprah Winfrey
There are days when you are doing well, earning well, living well but still not happy because you are not doing the things you are passionate about. Your soul is just not satisfied with what are you currently doing.

It want more. More fun. More adventures. More life.

The problem is there are lot of things that we are passionate about so sticking up with only one passion is not a great idea. But it is necessary and possible to clear on what your passions are.

If you can't figure out your passions then this post is for you. I'm going to share some tips so that you can have more clarity about your goals.

Why are you Confused with your True Passion?

Often we find it difficult to embrace our passions. It is because of:

Self Doubt
Many times we doubt the voice inside us. We start to underestimate if we are good enough to pursue our passions.

Thinking too much
Self doubt gives birth to overthinking. Thoughts like what if i didn't make it, what will people say, what if i lose and so on.....

We often join our passions with making money which creates a resistance toward embracing our passions.

Ways to Identify your Passions

Figuring out your passions should be joyful after all it will bring fulfillment into your life. Use the following ways to identify them:

Ask Yourself

  1. What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
  2. What are the activities when you lose track of time doing them?
  3. What are your strengths?(need not to be big enough)
  4. What would you do if  money was not the issue?
  5. What are the things you always want to learn about?

Imagine Yourself as Older self

Imagine that you are in your 60's. What would you wish to spend your 20 or 30 year of life doing? What hobbies are you pursuing? What memories are you creating?
Imagine all these things and write down your answers on a paper.

Ask your Near ones

Sometimes there are things we are good at but don't know. Ask your friends and family about the things you are good at. Make a list of those things. Trust me the answers will surprise you. You will get to know so much about yourself.

It is Oprah's 4 step guide to discovering who you meant to be. It is an exercise to figure out the activities that will light up your life.


Close your eyes and visualize yourself living your best life. Getting up early in the house you always wanted to live, doing the job you always wanted to do, doing things that make you feel great. Visualize deeply ....whatever that make you feel great envision that part largely.

Reason For Being

Reason for being or Ikigai . It is a Japanese concept. It includes what you love doing (passion), what you are good at, what the world needs from you and how can you get paid for that. It is a great way to know and identify what your life might look like after finding your passions.

Sum up
Sum up all your writing and check out the things that you can start doing which will help you and the world.  

Sum up all your writing and check out the things that you can start doing which will hel  

If you are not excited about it, it's not the right path.- Abraham Hicks

There are so many ways to bring your passions in life and make it more fulfilling. All you need to do is take an ACTION. Start to follow your heart and the doors will start to open for you. You need not to push yourself. Life often gives you what you need in a way that you never imagined and at the right time.

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