4 Reasons To Read More Books this year

by - February 23, 2019

Books are life in itself. They not only make you learn something new but also make you grow in life. Authors of the books spend ages in learning and then they write their life experiences, knowledge, wisdom in one book.
Here's why to read more....

Add years to life

Sounds weird??? But its true. Reading books add more years to your life. When you read a book you get know more about life. Authors learn from their years of experiences and then they write a book.
By reading just one book can make you learn their years of experience in one go... which ultimately increase your level of knowledge. By not repeating similar mistakes will help you grow faster.

Growth Mindset

People who read more have a growth mindset. These people are more open to challenges and see life in a different way. The rate of success is more in growth mindset people as they are more adaptive.
They do not fear failure. They see it as an opportunity to learn.


The more you read more creative you become. Books bring out the creative person hiding inside you.
The knowledge you perceive from books enhance your skills and ideas. It gives you a different aspect of thinking which make you learn and create everyday.

Living your best life

Books give you an outlet to live your best life. They make you believe in dreams becoming reality. Books guide and encourage you to live your best life. They make you believe in the unseen. There are many books which explains about the manifestations and living your best life for eg. you can heal your life, The Miracle Morning,You are a badass and so on...

So which is your next book????
I have lived a thousand of lives and I've loved a thousand of loves. I have walked on distant worlds and seen the end of time, because I READ.         - George R.R. Martin

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