
9 ways to fill JOURNAL for a more Productive Life

by - February 16, 2019

Writing Journal has proved to be one of the most successful habits. Personalities like Albert Einstein, Da Vinci, Oprah Winfrey and many more. All these people have explained the importance of keeping a Journal. They say the reason behind their success is journaling. As it not only give them clarity of thoughts but new ideas too.

Here are some of the ways to journal to have a more productive and happy life....
Morning Pages

    Writing in the morning is the best form of journal. You just need to take a pen and notebook and start writing, no matter what comes into your mind. You just need to let the words flow onto paper until you feel satisfied. The more you do this, more you will be able to communicate with your higher self and that's how you will figure out what you want.

Evening Pages

   In the evening journal you can write about your day. It can be like how your day went, what were your wins, how you can do better. It is basically done so that you remember the importance of the day and what you learnt from that day.

 Gratitude Journal

Keeping a Gratitude Journal means that you are grateful for the life you are living. You just need to write 4 things into your journal that you are grateful for. In just few days you will see a level of satisfaction in yourself. The things that were troubling you start to change. Believe me it will help you to see life in other perspective which is real TREASURE of life.

Monthly Review Journal

   There are times when you need to track your progress or just need to see how well are you doing or what you are doing. In those cases you can keep a monthly review journal. It can work like keeping a track on habit, mood, budget and many more.


   Now this one is my favourite form of journal. As it not only help me to clear my vision but also help me to manifest them. For this you need to script your life for next 3 or 5 years. You need to be very clear about what will you be doing on next 3 or 5 years.
  The moment you write your vision you make an intention and universe will start to work to manifest your vision. This exercise can be done daily so that you can be more specific and clear about your goals.


    I have a separate Journal where i can write about my daily wins. These are not only big wins but small also. This help me to track how well am i doing and how my victories are more important than failures.

Travel Journal

    If you are the person who love to travel and make memories then you should definitely try travel journal. You can write about the places you visited, food you ate, people you met. You can also attach memory like tickets of museum you visited or bill of your favourite restaurant. It will fill you up with great memories.

Ideas and Thoughts
   You can create a separate journal for new thoughts and ideas. Whenever a new idea come into my mind i just write it down and organize it.


   You can plan or schedule your day with the help of Plan Journal. It is a must have journal. It keeps you updated with your appointments and work schedule. It includes your to do list. Every night i just grab my journal and start to plan for the next day. It gives me a clear cut idea what i need to do.

I hope this article helped you about Writing Journal. Just remember one thing-
"Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on."    -Louis L' Amour

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