
What Introverts wants you to Know

by - March 30, 2020

For a very long period of time introvert trait has been considered as something that needs to be cured. On contrary, extroversion as an ideal. In 2012 when Susan Cain's book 'Quiet' was published, it gave a new direction to the world who adored extroverts as well as insight to the introverts. There is lot of misunderstandings about the introverts which I want to clear out today.

Introverts are not Shy
It is a common myth that introverts are shy and extroverts are confident. Introverts are not shy, they just simply don't like to waste energy on topics that don't interest them. The chances can be like they love to listen more than to discuss. Research also says that even extroverts are shy but they somehow act well.

Introverts can Lead
People like Rosa Parks, Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein, Tony Robbins, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett and many more personalities who are introverts and led the world successfully. Also, there is a study that say, introverts lead the group well as compared to extroverts as they put more focus on its people and quality of work. 

Introverts love Talks
I know you are shocked to know this fact. But this is true. Introverts do love talks but only meaningful. They love to indulge in topics that interest them and thus, they go deep in talks for hours. But here is a caution, topic needs to interest them.

Introverts love to Travel

Being an introvert I can say that I love travelling. I love to explore new places. Introverts find peace when they wander. They would love to go to a place full of people but only for the sake of exploration. After a while, they will start to look for a quiet place. This does not end here as their need for exploring the world is everlasting.

Introverts can make friends easily
They say extroverts are popular and that's why they have a lot of friends. The same goes with introverts too. A study has shown that introverts make friend easily but they don't rush themselves. They take their time, observe and choose. They act very wisely while making friends. This is the reason why introverts tend to have longer relationships than extroverts who changes group often.

It has also been seen that introverts keep their group small so that they can give equal time to each relation and that's why people love them.

Introverts needs personal space

Introverts can do everything that extroverts do but the thing that makes them different is- they need SPACE. At the end of their busy day, they will crave for a quiet place where they can be themselves. They need space to charge themselves up for the next day. And when solitude does not become possible they get ill too.

Introverts know when to take stands
It has been a saying that those who cannot speak for themselves are weak. However, there's difference between “cannot speak" and "don't speak". Normally, introverts do not indulge themselves into fights. They consider arguments as wastage of time.
They know it very well when to reply and when not. But when the level of their patience reaches a limit, you better save yourself up as their next move can screw up your whole life.

Introverts are more Patient and Consistent
A study has proven that introverts are more patient and consistent while learning new skills as compared to extroverts who get excited easily and give up quickly too. 

Introverts have gone through a lot of misconceptions. Now is the time that introverts need to know their power. They need to become aware that their true power lies within and with self reflection they can succeed easily. Today, the world is in need of more introverts as only introverts has got the eyes and power to see and shape the world into a more peaceful place. 

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