
Journal Prompts for Self Discovery

by - April 21, 2019

There are times when we get stuck up in life. We keep asking ourselves why am i doing this, what is the need, is this enough, am i doing enough etc. In this chaos it is easy to lose control and get lost.
This has happened with me also. But now i know the way to get out of this rut. It is a very simple way to figure out what your inner self is trying to tell you.

Why you feel like stuck?

Sometimes we keep allowing ourselves to do the things we don't want but we are obliged which is completely fine. But ignoring the inner voice give rise to dissatisfaction and this dissatisfaction make us question ourselves.

 Everyone in life has faced this. We all have asked ourselves the same questions. Which is great. As without questioning, we won't know the answers and without answers how will we awake?
"Sometimes questions are more important than answers."   -Nancy Willard
These questions are not for outer world but for our self discovery. To know what our inner self or higher self is telling us to do, it becomes necessary to ask questions.

How to get out of Rut feeling? 

Actually there are lot of ways to feel better but my favourite ( which works all the time) is Journaling.
Journaling has helped me to get out of tough time. I got to find my ways when i was lost. I feel great and fresh when i am writing, I am more me when i am journaling.
I have got every solution to my problem. It is like all the answers are within we just need to explore ourselves.
Journaling has helped me to become best version of myself. If you want to work on self discovery then these journal prompts are for you. You can use these 31 journal prompts for 1 month and see yourself becoming best version.

How to use Journal Prompts for Self Discovery?

Take a Journal or notebook and a pen. Sit into a quiet place. Prefer morning or late night time as in day time you are more likely to be disturbed. Before you start to write do some breathing exercise for 5 minutes and then make an intention-
"I set an intention to become best version of myself."
Now that you have made the intentions, you are ready to start. Take one journal Prompt everyday and think about it deeply for 2 minutes and then start to write. Don't stop your pen, just get into the flow, you will get all your answers in the flow. Consider writing at least 3 pages.
By the end of the month you will feel the difference.

  1. How am i feeling right now? why am i feeling like this and which situation can make me feel better?
  2. What are my limiting beliefs and how can i overcome them?
  3. How does my dream life look like? (Cover every area of your life)
  4. How does my ideal day look like?
  5. If  things are in my control then where do I see myself in next 3 years, 1 year, 6 months, 3 months and 1 month?
  6. How can i get near to your goal? What will be my action list?
  7.  What things makes me feel happy?
  8. What are the things when i forgot to see time?
  9. Who are my inspirations and why?
  10. What can i learn from my inspirations?
  11.  What is the most important lesson i learned this week?
  12. What are my strengths?
  13. Which book or movie impacted me and why?
  14. What are the things that give me goosebumps?(try them out)
  15. What am i thankful of?
  16. Whats my favourite quote or song and why?
  17. Whom do i admire the most and why?
  18. What would i wish if i am asked by God?
  19. What are the things that i did easily when i was a kid?
  20. How well do i do self care?
  21. Describe your self worth?
  22. What are the things that i am proud of?
  23. What was the last thing you celebrated?
  24. What does FUN mean to you?( try them out )
  25. What would you do if money was not the issue?
  26. On what topic you can speak for hours in public and why?
  27. Write your favourite places.
  28. What advise will you give to your younger self?
  29. What will you do if you know you could not fail?
  30. How do i spend my Sundays vs How i want them to be?
  31. What legacy am i leaving behind?
Summing up

After writing you journal check that if there are any patterns that define you or your purpose. Within few days you will get to know what exactly do you want, What things brings you happiness, how can you come closer to your desires and most importantly why am I in this state.

I hope you will try this activity  that will help you to live a life of love and clarity.
 Thanks for taking time to read.

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