How to create a Vision Board and Manifest

by - April 16, 2019

Envisioning your dream life is a best feeling ever but creating it seems difficult to many. If you are one of them then i am here to guide you.
Vision Board is a best way to stay focused on your goals and hence manifesting them. It is one of the most easiest and fun way to manifest your goals.Before we go further we need to know more about vision boards.
What is a Vision Board?

A vision board is a set of inspirational pictures on the board which represents the image of your future. It is placed mainly where you look at everyday.
These images will go into your subconscious mind and your mind will start to work on these goals to make them happen.
Sounds Cool isn't it?

How it works?

  • Vision Board empowers your emotions and motivates you to work toward your goals. Whenever you see your board emotions will start to rise inside you. A great feeling to make things happen will emerge in you and you will end up everyday to take a new step toward your goal.This one little step will seem big one day.  
  • By putting your vision board in front of your eyes will help you to make your subconscious mind to work upon it. Your mind is very powerful. It will start to find new ways, resources and people to make things happen. You won't even believe when things will start to manifest as per your desires.
How to make a Vision Board?

Making a vision board is my favourite Law of Attraction tool. Trust me you will love it too.
Here's how you do it-
Step 1

Decide whether you want to make a Digital board ie. on your phone or laptop or you want to go for physical board.

  • I have got both. I prepared my Digital vision board on Pinterest. In this you just need to pin some amazing pictures on your board. You must be very specific about the things you want otherwise you will wander in Pinterest as they have got such an amazing stuff that you want to check more.

It is easy to make vision board on Pinterest as pictures are easy to arrange there and you have got access to check them every time through your phone.

  • Another way is long but it is more fun to do.

To make a physical vision board, you need to collect pictures from magazines, newspapers, books or internet. Again pinterest will save you. You can save your favourite pictures and get them print.

Make sure you feel inspired by the pictures. Inspiration has got power, it will fill your board with emotions and make your creative mind work.

Step 2

Now that you are one with selection of pictures you need a board to paste them.
Grab your glue stick, coloured pens, scissors and start to plan. Firstly you need to arrange pictures temporarily on boars before you actually stick them. It will save you from future mess.

Tip: Play some mood lifting songs that will raise your vibes.

Step 3 

Paste them well and feel great about it. When you are done you will get a feeling that you have manifested them. This emotion will start to work and open the gateways of your desires.
Say loudly "I am Abundant and I am manifesting them all". Now smile and put the board on its right place.
Everyday you look at it and smile. Believe that it is coming.


  • Make sure that you don't clutter  your board. Too many things will make you feel overwhelmed. Go for minimalism as you will resonated with many pictures on the same topic. So the best advise is to go for best one.
  • You can use more than one vision board i you need it.

If you are working on something that you really care about, you don't have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.               - Steve Jobs 

Create a vision that is magnetic and sets you on fire to manifest them. You will be unstoppable.
Just believe you deserve it rest will be filled up by the universe.

When you start to manifest....

Time will sooner come when you will start to manifest your desires. Don't forget to show gratitude to the universe for all the manifestation.
You can also record your manifestations in your journal for future motivation.

I hope this article helped you to discover about vision Board. Thank you for reading.

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