
Habits of highly Successful people to start today!!!

by - April 22, 2019

"The secret of  your future is hidden in your daily routine" 
These are some habits of highly successful people that i learned from books, magazines, articles and other sources. By opting some of these habits can really make a difference in your life. It is completely okay if you are not able to do all. Everyone is different. Choose your favourite and start following to make your life more abundant.

"Who you are is what you have been. Who you will be is what you do now. "  - Buddha 

Habits create us. So why not to create something big? Lets start from habits of highly successful people. They have learned these successful habits from their whole life experience so why not to add their experience into our life and attain success earlier.

Habits of highly Successful People

1. Create their own morning routine.

     All successful people have their own morning routine which makes them get out of their cozy bed. They do not push themselves but enjoy the day. Some of them prefer to make a healthy smoothie, some like to make their bed, some like to Journal etc.

2. Love what they do.

    Successful people are successful because they do everything with passion. Their work make them different that's why they love their work. Anything done with love and passion always open the doors for success so whats your passion?

3.Know their Priorities.

   Successful people know what matters the most. Whether it is their work or family they know how to balance everything out. They even set priorities on daily basis. It is like planning what is to be done within a day.

4. Have a growth mindset.

    They love to learn and do not set themselves over same mindset. They love to read books, learn new skills etc. Warren Buffet reads 600 pages a day, Bill Gates read 50 books a year, Jim kwik spends 20 minutes a day to read. Now you know the biggest secret of their success. 
Successful people are very particular about what they read. They choose their reading list wisely.

5.Practice Gratitude.

Successful people are very grateful of the things they have. They do not forget to show gratitude even to a tiny thing. As they know that thing's importance. Imagine yourself without your toothbrush, how does that feel like? Horrible? Well now you know its importance.  

6.Take Actions.

Successful people are master at taking action. They do not stick themselves to the idea of planning. They know it very clearly when to take action.

7. Meditate daily.

A study concluded that about 80% of successful people meditate daily. They know that meditation not only calms the mind but also directs into right path. Famous writer Deepak Chopra has suggested to meditate twice a day.

8. Plan everyday.

Successful people know the value of their time. They plan their routine a day before so that confusion  and delays can be avoided. 

9. Journal.

Every successful person know the importance of Journaling. They know that all the answers lies within so they do journaling every morning or night. Journaling not only clears the mind but show the path also.

10. Practice self care on regular basis.

Successful people do not forget to take care of themselves. They know their self worth. That's why they always keep self care on their priority list. Self love boosts their productivity and help them work more efficiently.

11. Appreciate others work.

Successful people always appreciate the work of others and do not forget to compliment them. It is one of the most charming personality of successful people.

12. Great listeners.

They are master at listening. It is one of the best habit of successful people as mostly people prefer to speak but listeners are Rare. Great listeners make great leaders also.

13. Prioritize health.

Successful people do not compromise with health. They know that health is wealth that's why they do exercise daily, eat healthy, focus on sleep etc. They do not like to make health as secondary.

14. Start day early.

Time is money for successful people. To get done most out of the day, they like to start their day early. Starting day early add years to life as instead of sleeping you chose to live life more. It makes them more productive and creative. 

15.  Take Risks.

Successful people are fearless that's why they are successful. Their ability to make things happen has made them successful. They do not limit themselves with their fears and they are always ready to battle with them.

I hope you liked these amazing habits of highly successful and effective people. Habits makes people so what are you planning to be. Start you new life here and create a beautiful journey.

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