how to Manifest your Deep Desires

by - April 06, 2019

Life is short and we all want maximum out of it. Admit it.
We all are a powerful creators....originated from most powerful source. We have got the ability to create our dream life. We are the artist of our own life. We can make our dreams possible. It is easy.

Here's how.......

Decide what you want

You need to clear your mind the thing you want deeply. Go to a silent place where you can think mindfully and hear the voice of your higher self.
Get the help of your higher self and decide what you want. You will get all the answers from within.

Believe In It....

Once you had made the decision. Now you start to believe it. Believe it that it is possible. Believe that the universe is with you and it has got the power to make to make your desires happen.
Show some trust over the universe and RELAX.....

Visualize It

Now you know that all your desires are possible....close your eyes...and start to visualize of having it. Start to feel happier. Shape it like you want and and feel that it is happening now. Feel that it is real and you are happy. Say thanks to universe. Say thanks to life and enjoy it.

Write it down..

Now take a paper and write down all your desires. Explain how you want them to happen.Make sure you write it in present tense like.. I have this car, I am having my desired height.

Feel good as you have it now. Keep thanking God while you write your desires. You can even write it as a story.
 Here important thing is that you feel great. As when you feel great you are matching with the frequency of having it already. The higher your frequency sooner will be your manifestation.

Let it Go...

Come out of focus and enjoy your day. Be grateful. Release your desires quietly in the air. Trust that universe will manifest it for you and let it go. Be grateful to what you have and forget lack.

Tip: Work more on Self care.

Manifestation begins when you forget the lack and focus on welcoming the new while being grateful for the present.

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