by - April 18, 2019

Everyone is busy in making their future bright. We are so much exhausted with our life that we have forgotten to take care of ourselves. We have forgotten "the beautiful me".
We are playing so hard that we have failed to see our inner beautiful self who wants your attention so desperately. Somewhere in our heart we know this thing. Work is important but self love and care in as much important.

Why Self Care is Important

Give yourself the love you seek and the universe will send people who match it.
                                                                                                                  -Abraham Hicks

  •  Because you deserve it. You deserve to be loved and nurtured. You are a beautiful soul who needs to be cared.
  • To get your energy back.
  • To feel Fresh and new. 
  •  To heal your body, mind and soul.
  • To find your balance.
  • To have new ideas. I don't know about you but i get most of my creative and amazing ideas when i am in self love state.
  • To become more productive.
How to create a Self care Ritual?

  • Set your priorities and let people know that you are not available on your self care day. 
  • You can fix or plan a day in week or more as your self love or care day.
  • Say no to people. Tell them about your priorities and trust me they will understand it.
  • You can do self care daily by setting new habits like writing journal at night, evening skin care routine, starting day with your favourite coffee or tea etc.
Also you can download free self love planner printables here- Free Self Care Planner Printable

Ideas for self care

Love can be shown in number of beautiful ways. And when we talk about self love we start to think about the things we love and the things that bring us peace. Our mind, body and soul needs love. When we take care about them things started to fall into place as self love brings high vibrations which matches with the vibrations of our desires and we start to manifest.

Here are some beautiful ideas to exercise self love:

  1. Write yourself a love letter.
  2. Write your wins (even small).
  3. Have a coffee or Tea. 
  4. Treat yourself at a beautiful bakery shop.
  5. Go for a walk.
  6. Do some Art and Craft work.
  7. Turn off social media.
  8. Meditate.
  9. Have a Manicure and Pedicure.
  10. Have a hot tub bubble bath.
  11. Diffuse Essential oil.
  12. Sit at a quiet place and journal your ideal day.
  13. Watch your favourite movie.
  14. Re-Read your favourite book.
  15. Call an old friend (trust me they will be very happy to hear from you).
  16. Have a Massage.
  17. Go for facial.
  18. Buy or gift yourself a new dress.
  19. Do some Yoga.
  20. Treat or bake yourself a cake.
  21. Sing and dance on your favourite songs.
  22. Declutter your closet. This will give you a mental relief.
  23. Have a Ice-Cream Treat.
  24. Gift someone who is working very harder and don't have the time to look after himself.
  25. Make someone happy.
  26. Grow a new plant.
  27. Journal.
  28. Create a Vision Board.
  29. Wear your favourite Perfume.
  30. Have a decent and calming Spa.
  31. Give yourself an oil massage.
  32. Donate something. This little act of kindness will make your heart feel lighter.
  33. Forgive all and patch up. It will unburden you.
  34. Compliment a stranger.
  35. Listen to Podcast.
  36. Do some Painting.
  37. Sit near body of water (Water has got the healing energy)
  38. Do Mind Mapping Exercise.
  39. Check your old Pictures and have fun by commenting on them.
  40. Watch your favourite cartoon show. It will heal your inner child.
  41. Prepare a new skin care regime.
  42. Plan your week.
  43. Decide your goals.
  44. Sleep.

Where you focus on, you start to attract that. The more you do self love, the more you will attract. 
When you focus on the good, the good gets better.  - Abraham Hicks
I hope this article helped you and now you will be able to do some self care practice. Like i said there are millions of ways to practice self love, you need to choose your own. I have provided you a list and a free self love planner printables which you can take out as print out and plan your self care routine.
Thank you for taking time to read this article.

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